Jan 31, 2009
Jan 26, 2009
A Walk Down Memory Lane...(GOA 06')
Arch. Survey of India. Loved this pic. By me. :)

I was getting some spectacular abusin by this drunk addict on the left side of me as i was posin for this pic. the moment the pic was done, i took off like a mad-woman on the cycle, all the way to the hotel...lolz.
Location : umm.. Margao i think.

Again Arch. Survey of India. By me. Looks cool, innit???

The sunset started with this...

And then it slowly started turning into this...

And then it turned to this...
The most serene moment of a MAD MAD trip..
A perfect ending...

Some temple. We had fun pulling the chariot here ...
Jan 21, 2009
Best Match Ever!!!!
21st Jan 2009’ 10.50pm
I have jus returned back from college, having witnessed one of the most spectacular basketball matches ever played in the history of awesome matches in VJTI.
I walked into the quad, very tired from all the dance practice. My exhaustion disappeared the moment I spotted a basketball in the quad. Some guys were playing. I went and put in a few shots that made the guys turn red wid shame. Lolz. Ro came too, n told me he had a match at 6.30. Civil Vs Electronics. Now for all those who aren’t familiar wid any of VJTI happening, Rohit is the Civil Boys team captain. The Tronix guys team consisted of all 3pointer addict guys, so it was going to be a tough fight. On top of all that, Civil Boys were the reigning champions, having bagged gold for last 2 years in a row. N the last years captain Joy (yeah thts his name) had told Ro in no uncertain terms that the title better remained wid Civil this year too. : P
The match started late, like everything in VJ does. We expected a good fight, bt what unfolded before everyone was a complete shocker. Rohit and Jeet so well known for their coordination and amazing 3pointer skills were missing EVERY single shot. The new players were trying very hard to get some points, bt everyone received a jolt when the opposing captain out in three 3pointers in a row. The score was 09-00 with Tronix leading.
Finally Jeet managed to get a 2pointer and opened the innings for Civil. Bang came Tronix reply. They scored another 3pointer. Someone else from Civil scored a 2pointer jus as the 1st quarter ended. The score stood a shameful 12-04 with Tronix leading.
Things didn’t improve much in the next two quarters. The Tronix guys kept leading. With almost 8 - 10 points in the lead, I was beginning to get quite hysterical. “NO Ro.. don’t lose the last match of your life. This is the last chance. Noooo…”
At the beginning of 4th quarter, the score was 25-17. Tronix lead. I stood up to stand on the edge of the court and decided to do some heavy duty sledging. *SLEDGING – term used for abusive remarks thrown by on lookers to players of other team. Wide range of remarks, starting with the normal “I.T. CHAKKA..” to “saala &%^%*^(^$%#^%$”* I started callin the other guys random things like “GAY”, “Ghar pe jaa…mummy ne bulaya hai”, “Tronix Chakka!!!” N guess what.. it worked!!! The guys kept missing their pointers, and finally *OH THANK GODDDD!!!!* Ro managed to score an amazing 3pointer. The score was now 25-20.
One guy resembling Mowgli *as I was yelling out to him… Aei jungle pe jaa vapas* scored a 3pointer, which was a rude shock. The score now was 28-20. It was looking impossible to catch up. Then 0ne female from Civil, Purva, came and we both started yelling like maniacs to the other team. “Saala Gay… ghar pe jaa.” “Tronix Chakka” “Come on Guys… Buck Up” “Areee yeh dekh aya aya aya aya…. MISSS!!!!”I could actually feel the adrenaline rush.
Here the match completely took a turn. Ro, Jeet, Rishi, Nikhil and Vatsal, somehow clicked, and Ro and Jeet scored back to back 3 pointers. I was so PROUD!!! It jus urged me n Purva to yell louder. And ofc we were jumping up and down like a couple of maniacs. 5 minutes remaining. Score was 28-27.
I was so busy yelling spectacular insults to the other team , I don’t rem who scored, bt some scored a 3pointer. YES!! We were FINALLY in d lead. Both teams kept commiting a series of fouls and thus got free shots. And because of our yelling “Aeii… Kuch nahi ata hai. Miss karega Miss Karega… dekh MISS!!!” the other team kept missing, and we kept scoring the free throws. Nikhil commited another foul, and he had to leave. Bimal came in, and ran straight into the other team player, crashing into the board. He commited a foul, bt wtf. We are now soooo close..
Last minute saw some really good 2pointers. The score was 29-32. Jeet scored yet another 2pointer. 44 seconds remaining. Another 3pointer by Ro. Another foul now. Ro gets a free throw. He scores!!! I have gone mad with all the yelling and jumping. Ref blows his whistle. Game over. CIVIL WIN!!!!! 29-44. Just imagine.
The entire crowd pours onto the court. They all gather around Ro and pick him up and throw him in the air. Another group picks up Jeet and another one Bimal. Rishi heads straight for the chairs and collapses. Everyone is yelling. The traditional cry rings out. The one that everyone says, with name variations in VJ- “Tronix’s chi marli. Dhinchak dhinchak.” Some guys even begin with the side slogan “I.T. Chakka!!!” : P
I m sure NOONE in VJTI has ever seen a match so closely lost or so closely won by any dept ever. I m sure no one has seen this amount of sledging ever. Ro kept his word to Joy. The Title was theirs for another year. And nothing in the world beat the feeling of winning the last basketball match of our lives.
- Annie
*throat sore from yelling, tired from dancing and very very happy from all the jumping*
I have jus returned back from college, having witnessed one of the most spectacular basketball matches ever played in the history of awesome matches in VJTI.
I walked into the quad, very tired from all the dance practice. My exhaustion disappeared the moment I spotted a basketball in the quad. Some guys were playing. I went and put in a few shots that made the guys turn red wid shame. Lolz. Ro came too, n told me he had a match at 6.30. Civil Vs Electronics. Now for all those who aren’t familiar wid any of VJTI happening, Rohit is the Civil Boys team captain. The Tronix guys team consisted of all 3pointer addict guys, so it was going to be a tough fight. On top of all that, Civil Boys were the reigning champions, having bagged gold for last 2 years in a row. N the last years captain Joy (yeah thts his name) had told Ro in no uncertain terms that the title better remained wid Civil this year too. : P
The match started late, like everything in VJ does. We expected a good fight, bt what unfolded before everyone was a complete shocker. Rohit and Jeet so well known for their coordination and amazing 3pointer skills were missing EVERY single shot. The new players were trying very hard to get some points, bt everyone received a jolt when the opposing captain out in three 3pointers in a row. The score was 09-00 with Tronix leading.
Finally Jeet managed to get a 2pointer and opened the innings for Civil. Bang came Tronix reply. They scored another 3pointer. Someone else from Civil scored a 2pointer jus as the 1st quarter ended. The score stood a shameful 12-04 with Tronix leading.
Things didn’t improve much in the next two quarters. The Tronix guys kept leading. With almost 8 - 10 points in the lead, I was beginning to get quite hysterical. “NO Ro.. don’t lose the last match of your life. This is the last chance. Noooo…”
At the beginning of 4th quarter, the score was 25-17. Tronix lead. I stood up to stand on the edge of the court and decided to do some heavy duty sledging. *SLEDGING – term used for abusive remarks thrown by on lookers to players of other team. Wide range of remarks, starting with the normal “I.T. CHAKKA..” to “saala &%^%*^(^$%#^%$”* I started callin the other guys random things like “GAY”, “Ghar pe jaa…mummy ne bulaya hai”, “Tronix Chakka!!!” N guess what.. it worked!!! The guys kept missing their pointers, and finally *OH THANK GODDDD!!!!* Ro managed to score an amazing 3pointer. The score was now 25-20.
One guy resembling Mowgli *as I was yelling out to him… Aei jungle pe jaa vapas* scored a 3pointer, which was a rude shock. The score now was 28-20. It was looking impossible to catch up. Then 0ne female from Civil, Purva, came and we both started yelling like maniacs to the other team. “Saala Gay… ghar pe jaa.” “Tronix Chakka” “Come on Guys… Buck Up” “Areee yeh dekh aya aya aya aya…. MISSS!!!!”I could actually feel the adrenaline rush.
Here the match completely took a turn. Ro, Jeet, Rishi, Nikhil and Vatsal, somehow clicked, and Ro and Jeet scored back to back 3 pointers. I was so PROUD!!! It jus urged me n Purva to yell louder. And ofc we were jumping up and down like a couple of maniacs. 5 minutes remaining. Score was 28-27.
I was so busy yelling spectacular insults to the other team , I don’t rem who scored, bt some scored a 3pointer. YES!! We were FINALLY in d lead. Both teams kept commiting a series of fouls and thus got free shots. And because of our yelling “Aeii… Kuch nahi ata hai. Miss karega Miss Karega… dekh MISS!!!” the other team kept missing, and we kept scoring the free throws. Nikhil commited another foul, and he had to leave. Bimal came in, and ran straight into the other team player, crashing into the board. He commited a foul, bt wtf. We are now soooo close..
Last minute saw some really good 2pointers. The score was 29-32. Jeet scored yet another 2pointer. 44 seconds remaining. Another 3pointer by Ro. Another foul now. Ro gets a free throw. He scores!!! I have gone mad with all the yelling and jumping. Ref blows his whistle. Game over. CIVIL WIN!!!!! 29-44. Just imagine.
The entire crowd pours onto the court. They all gather around Ro and pick him up and throw him in the air. Another group picks up Jeet and another one Bimal. Rishi heads straight for the chairs and collapses. Everyone is yelling. The traditional cry rings out. The one that everyone says, with name variations in VJ- “Tronix’s chi marli. Dhinchak dhinchak.” Some guys even begin with the side slogan “I.T. Chakka!!!” : P
I m sure NOONE in VJTI has ever seen a match so closely lost or so closely won by any dept ever. I m sure no one has seen this amount of sledging ever. Ro kept his word to Joy. The Title was theirs for another year. And nothing in the world beat the feeling of winning the last basketball match of our lives.
- Annie
*throat sore from yelling, tired from dancing and very very happy from all the jumping*
College Days,
Jan 12, 2009
TAG. ( ash, nabs and karan look here )
RULE 1: People who are tagged must write their answers to the tag and change any question they like.
RULE 2: Tag 3 people and they cannot refuse to do this tag. They must write who tagged them and cannot tag that person again. Continue the game. And I hope it will be sheer fun.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
I would kill the grl he ditched me for, thn I wud kill him, n then forget the two of them like a horrible dream.
2. If you have one dream which could come true, it would be?
The dream in which all my dreams come true.
3. Who is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone ?
Loving someone who loves u back. That’s blessed. Either of the two other options are generally quite painful and unfulfilling.
4. Can you fall in love with your best friend ?
Yes. But it is more or less like a gamble. Either u end up married, or else u lose your best friend. Take ur pick.
5. How long would you wait for someone you love?
Till I don’t start feeling completely eclipsed out of his life. If that happens, then its not worth waiting for. I would move on.
6. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do?
Become his best friend, and stay that way. Get a guy of my own and go on a double date.
7. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?
Women empowerment, literacy for all in india, discrimination against ppl infected wid AIDS.. many actually.
8. What according to you is blogger in denial?
The one who writes about things that are fake. The one who pretends to be someone he/she is not.
9. What’s your fear ?
Being deserted my people who mean a lot to me.
10. What colour are your socks now?
Pure fairy white.
11. What are you listening to now?
Dooba Dooba - SILK ROUTE *nice song. found this in one of my old folders*
12. What takes you down fastest?
“I am superior” attitude.
13. Which one do you prefer - ice-cream or chocolate?
Vanilla icecream with chocolate chips in it. :)
14. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Spend it ofcourse.
15. What was the last thing you ate?
Ro’s head. It was Yum. seriously.
16. How old are you today?
I feel like 12 . I am 21.
17. How do you vent out your anger?
Screaming, yelling, kicking and spewing out some spectacular abuses.
18. Favourite toy as a child?
I didn’t have toys when I grew up. I had books. My fav book was "The Folk Of the Farway Tree" - ENID BLYTON
18. Favourite season?
Monsoon. Everyone knows this. I go mad when it rains.
19. When was the last time you cried?
About 3 weeks back. My results. Eww.
20. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
My cousin who stays in the neighboring state. And visits me once a year. Shes my soul mate.
21. What did you do last night?
Had a fight wid mom over frequent net use. Studied a little bit about networking protocols. Went to sleep under a really warm blanket.
22. Favorite day of the week?
Every day that means lots of laughs with friends, no fights with anyone, quality time wid Ro and good music.
23. Diamond or pearl?
Diamonds definitely. With platinum.
24.Would you be single & rich or married & poor ?
Single and rich of course!!
25.What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my cell for my good morning message from Ro.
26.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?
I’ll pick the one who loves me more.
27.Would you give all in a relationship ?
If the guy is really worth it and loves me to bits.
28.What’s eating you now ?
Will my future turn out ok career wise?
29.Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
Being in a relationship where I have my own space and independence.
30. Your opinion of 3 bloggers who you are going to tag and the one who tagged you.
No one tagged me. It took it from some random blog cuz the questions interested me.
About the ones who I m tagging –
Ash – steadfast, strong, having talents yet to be explored.
Nabs – damn sweet, so true and budding blogger.
Karan – The wanderer
P.S: anyone who likes these questions is welcome to answer them. do leave me a link, so ill check out ur answers. hava great day.
RULE 2: Tag 3 people and they cannot refuse to do this tag. They must write who tagged them and cannot tag that person again. Continue the game. And I hope it will be sheer fun.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
I would kill the grl he ditched me for, thn I wud kill him, n then forget the two of them like a horrible dream.
2. If you have one dream which could come true, it would be?
The dream in which all my dreams come true.
3. Who is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone ?
Loving someone who loves u back. That’s blessed. Either of the two other options are generally quite painful and unfulfilling.
4. Can you fall in love with your best friend ?
Yes. But it is more or less like a gamble. Either u end up married, or else u lose your best friend. Take ur pick.
5. How long would you wait for someone you love?
Till I don’t start feeling completely eclipsed out of his life. If that happens, then its not worth waiting for. I would move on.
6. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do?
Become his best friend, and stay that way. Get a guy of my own and go on a double date.
7. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?
Women empowerment, literacy for all in india, discrimination against ppl infected wid AIDS.. many actually.
8. What according to you is blogger in denial?
The one who writes about things that are fake. The one who pretends to be someone he/she is not.
9. What’s your fear ?
Being deserted my people who mean a lot to me.
10. What colour are your socks now?
Pure fairy white.
11. What are you listening to now?
Dooba Dooba - SILK ROUTE *nice song. found this in one of my old folders*
12. What takes you down fastest?
“I am superior” attitude.
13. Which one do you prefer - ice-cream or chocolate?
Vanilla icecream with chocolate chips in it. :)
14. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Spend it ofcourse.
15. What was the last thing you ate?
Ro’s head. It was Yum. seriously.
16. How old are you today?
I feel like 12 . I am 21.
17. How do you vent out your anger?
Screaming, yelling, kicking and spewing out some spectacular abuses.
18. Favourite toy as a child?
I didn’t have toys when I grew up. I had books. My fav book was "The Folk Of the Farway Tree" - ENID BLYTON
18. Favourite season?
Monsoon. Everyone knows this. I go mad when it rains.
19. When was the last time you cried?
About 3 weeks back. My results. Eww.
20. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
My cousin who stays in the neighboring state. And visits me once a year. Shes my soul mate.
21. What did you do last night?
Had a fight wid mom over frequent net use. Studied a little bit about networking protocols. Went to sleep under a really warm blanket.
22. Favorite day of the week?
Every day that means lots of laughs with friends, no fights with anyone, quality time wid Ro and good music.
23. Diamond or pearl?
Diamonds definitely. With platinum.
24.Would you be single & rich or married & poor ?
Single and rich of course!!
25.What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my cell for my good morning message from Ro.
26.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?
I’ll pick the one who loves me more.
27.Would you give all in a relationship ?
If the guy is really worth it and loves me to bits.
28.What’s eating you now ?
Will my future turn out ok career wise?
29.Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
Being in a relationship where I have my own space and independence.
30. Your opinion of 3 bloggers who you are going to tag and the one who tagged you.
No one tagged me. It took it from some random blog cuz the questions interested me.
About the ones who I m tagging –
Ash – steadfast, strong, having talents yet to be explored.
Nabs – damn sweet, so true and budding blogger.
Karan – The wanderer
P.S: anyone who likes these questions is welcome to answer them. do leave me a link, so ill check out ur answers. hava great day.
Jan 10, 2009
hey there world.
this ones gonna be real short. cuz i jus wanted to say Thanks.
Thanks to everyone who shared a bit of my deepest thoughts yesterday. Thanks for making me think clearly, n not judging or interpreting me in anyway- good or bad. Thanks for NOT pitying me. n Yea , Thanks for jus being there. U hav no idea how much that meant.
this ones gonna be real short. cuz i jus wanted to say Thanks.
Thanks to everyone who shared a bit of my deepest thoughts yesterday. Thanks for making me think clearly, n not judging or interpreting me in anyway- good or bad. Thanks for NOT pitying me. n Yea , Thanks for jus being there. U hav no idea how much that meant.
Jan 9, 2009
... Very Confused ...
I returned back home from college jus about an hour back. Mom is feeling a little bit better compared to yesterday. She had fever. She looked a little tired anyway. Somehow, just as I entered home, I felt as if I was seeing the lines on her face, for the very first time. She seemed to have aged overnight. I went to the kitchen, asking if I could do anything to help with tonight’s dinner. She looked at me, n said that my masi called earlier in the evening. N then she said, “My husband died today.”
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t feel anything. Large tears pooled up in her eyes, and I m still NOT feeling anything. Nope. Nothing whatsoever. I walked over, gave her a hug, and asked if I could make the dal today. With special tadka. She nodded, and instructed me how to do it. After a few minutes, I was talking about the games I played in college today.
You may be shocked at the complete lack of expression here. Allow me to explain. My mom’s husband, i.e. my father, well… let’s just say he is *or maybe was* not a familiar sight while I was growing up. Infact I haven’t seen him or heard from him from the last 15 years.
My parents got married about in the 70’s. He worked someplace, I have no idea, cuz me n mom never talked about it. My mom was a housewife. My father was an alcoholic. He was also a pathological liar. He never laid a finger on my mom though, as most alcoholics were prone to do. My mom wouldn’t take any of the shit. They had a decade of marriage, where she miscarried once. It was a miserable time. Finally after 13 years of marriage, they had me. Things took a turn for the worse within a few years after I came. My mother finally decided she had enough. Unlike other women, she didn’t leave home. She booted him out. And closed the doors on him forever.
My father, I m assuming was very happy with the arrangements, cuz within a few years, he remarried. The other woman doesn’t know me n my mom exist. They made a home for themselves, in Thane, right next to my masi’s place. They had two daughters. Life was all good. My mom here, struggled to make ends meet. My father when he left, decided to make everyone suffer. He sold the house and property to some people, and took off with the proceedings. He even took the ration card away. He owed money to a lot of people. N he directed them all home, before he left. Thankfully, my uncle, who played the father for me all my life, negotiated with all this. They saw the little baby in my mom’s hands, and they all made peace. They instead helped my mom to get new documents for the home. The neighbors helped too. Somehow, things ironed out in a few years.
Now, I see my mother crying a bit. She is confused. She says she doesn’t feel a damn about the man who left her alone. She looks on fondly at her green bangles, and says “I will have to take all this off.” I told her u don’t have to. What do u say to a woman in this situation? I have no clue.
As for me, I m calm. I have no feelings for the man. It’s hard to miss something that was never there. I don’t hate him. I definitely never missed him. I had a fulfilling 21 years of life. Hardly any of my friends know about this side of me. Hardly anyone ever asked why I always talk about only my mom n my uncle. It’s all right. It’s a part of my life I rather not broadcast.
Right now, as I m typing up all this, I feel as if am I obliged to be unhappy when someone I know dies? Is it inhuman to feel nothing? I m so confused right now, I have no clue y am I even writing this. I find solace when I write. N this is probably the first time I m not finding it anywhere.
P.S : Added Later .
This post seemed have to created a fair amount of controversy in my life. First of all thanks to all friends who were worried to death abt me. Esp the ILMB ones. I Love You guys a lot. :)
And then I had tough time wid ppl telling me "not to advertise my personal life on net" I know I m not obliged to answer to anyone, bt i want to clear a few issues here.
Lately my blog has come to mean a lot to me. For someone who doesnt blog, it might seem like utter crap, bt this place here...feels like home. the place i feel most at ease at. I dun care A DAMN abt ppl who claim to "know me", cz the fact is they dunt. ok so lay off. Wid all due respect..i dun need ur guidance.
Bye, Lotsa Luv,Annie. I m a lot better than i ever was bcus i hav given myself completely to nurturing my blog. :)
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t feel anything. Large tears pooled up in her eyes, and I m still NOT feeling anything. Nope. Nothing whatsoever. I walked over, gave her a hug, and asked if I could make the dal today. With special tadka. She nodded, and instructed me how to do it. After a few minutes, I was talking about the games I played in college today.
You may be shocked at the complete lack of expression here. Allow me to explain. My mom’s husband, i.e. my father, well… let’s just say he is *or maybe was* not a familiar sight while I was growing up. Infact I haven’t seen him or heard from him from the last 15 years.
My parents got married about in the 70’s. He worked someplace, I have no idea, cuz me n mom never talked about it. My mom was a housewife. My father was an alcoholic. He was also a pathological liar. He never laid a finger on my mom though, as most alcoholics were prone to do. My mom wouldn’t take any of the shit. They had a decade of marriage, where she miscarried once. It was a miserable time. Finally after 13 years of marriage, they had me. Things took a turn for the worse within a few years after I came. My mother finally decided she had enough. Unlike other women, she didn’t leave home. She booted him out. And closed the doors on him forever.
My father, I m assuming was very happy with the arrangements, cuz within a few years, he remarried. The other woman doesn’t know me n my mom exist. They made a home for themselves, in Thane, right next to my masi’s place. They had two daughters. Life was all good. My mom here, struggled to make ends meet. My father when he left, decided to make everyone suffer. He sold the house and property to some people, and took off with the proceedings. He even took the ration card away. He owed money to a lot of people. N he directed them all home, before he left. Thankfully, my uncle, who played the father for me all my life, negotiated with all this. They saw the little baby in my mom’s hands, and they all made peace. They instead helped my mom to get new documents for the home. The neighbors helped too. Somehow, things ironed out in a few years.
Now, I see my mother crying a bit. She is confused. She says she doesn’t feel a damn about the man who left her alone. She looks on fondly at her green bangles, and says “I will have to take all this off.” I told her u don’t have to. What do u say to a woman in this situation? I have no clue.
As for me, I m calm. I have no feelings for the man. It’s hard to miss something that was never there. I don’t hate him. I definitely never missed him. I had a fulfilling 21 years of life. Hardly any of my friends know about this side of me. Hardly anyone ever asked why I always talk about only my mom n my uncle. It’s all right. It’s a part of my life I rather not broadcast.
Right now, as I m typing up all this, I feel as if am I obliged to be unhappy when someone I know dies? Is it inhuman to feel nothing? I m so confused right now, I have no clue y am I even writing this. I find solace when I write. N this is probably the first time I m not finding it anywhere.
P.S : Added Later .
This post seemed have to created a fair amount of controversy in my life. First of all thanks to all friends who were worried to death abt me. Esp the ILMB ones. I Love You guys a lot. :)
And then I had tough time wid ppl telling me "not to advertise my personal life on net" I know I m not obliged to answer to anyone, bt i want to clear a few issues here.
Lately my blog has come to mean a lot to me. For someone who doesnt blog, it might seem like utter crap, bt this place here...feels like home. the place i feel most at ease at. I dun care A DAMN abt ppl who claim to "know me", cz the fact is they dunt. ok so lay off. Wid all due respect..i dun need ur guidance.
Bye, Lotsa Luv,Annie. I m a lot better than i ever was bcus i hav given myself completely to nurturing my blog. :)
Jan 3, 2009
Big Events of 2008 - The VJTI way...
Inspired by my friend Karan’s latest blog post, “what made me smile in 2008”, here I m presenting my own list of events that were in the spotlight. It WILL not make ne sense to ppl who are not from my class. so plz ingore my ramblings. another post coming up soon. :)
1. The biggest event of the entire year 2008 was probably ‘The great walkout from the CG paper.’ This is the highlight since, such an event has never been seen or heard of, in VJTI. An entire class of students refusing to write a mid-sem exam paper, plus, instead of walking out, writing ‘out of syllabus’ all over the answer sheets, was a feat in itself.
2. The next big event was ‘The Attack of the Wumpus’ which took place late in the year, with a Wumpus (a creature that dwells in dark lonely corners, and eats anyone who enters his room) The experience of trespassing Wumpus owned property, avoiding the ‘Stench’ and the ‘Breeze’ was one that the inhabitants of Computers Dept Batch of 2009 will never ever forget. *shudders*
3. ‘The Hike to the great mountains of ELR’ features next on the list. Everest?? Naah.. try climbing ELR matching speed to the professors to make sure u reach there on time. Even during the short time, we had to exercise this feat, it made us all lose about 10 pounds. Strangely, except PW. Who in fact seemed to gain weight.
4. And this is why the next thing on the list is –‘The PW diet’. No matter what, PW always got the most scrumptious, sinfully delicious stuff in his tiffin *tht he refused to share… or rather no one ever had the nerve to take…* which NO mom in the world could wake n make at 7 in the morning *it HAS to be 7, cuz he’s always there on time*. So it remains an unsolved mystery as to where the food came from… Hmmm… *thinking hard.*
5. Speaking of PW further, one classic history maker was ‘The day when PW borrowed Zai’s notes’ – shud I even say more? And if the fact that he took the notes from someone else wasn’t enough, he took them to COPY. *gasps. Wide eyed.*
6. Next is ‘The Loony ACN female’- One I dun know her name. Two, she had a screechy voice, and last but DEFINITELY not the least, she actually asked us to draw margins on the question paper. *ROFL…*
7. ‘Crazy DSP ^%$&#’ - the only thing she did right was referring to PW as – “Aei yaaar, toh mazya dokyat jato reeee….” *translated means “he goes in my head”… yeah I know… hehe..*
8. ‘The LR series’ – all events happening in and around the LR *its Ladies Room ppl!* feature here. All the times, we blatantly ignored the HUGE books in front of us, and indulged in some INTERESTING gossiping, the day when THE ORACLE came to the LR, the day(s) when THE SONG bugged all of us abt ICE, everyday when THE ATTITUDE and me teased the DEW DROP about her TAASH KA KING, the crazy DSP &^%$# coming n abusing us in some non-mentionable Marathi gaali’s, the times when we actually studied. *Ahh… Fond memories..*
9. Next big event of the year was ‘Who’s dat girl?’ – as I like to call the episodes in 2008, where THE ORACLE suddenly became the love interest of numerous interesting people – THE RAIN, THE SUN – wht not. Suddenly THE ORACLE was the weather girl. LOLZ…
10. The last memorable event – ‘The magical waters of far far away’ – there was something about that place, the icy clean waters of that river, the calm that overtook all emotions that swirled in the depths of my heart. Have u ever been to a place where suddenly all knots give away from u mind? Have u ever been to a place where u can actually listen.. to the silence? I have. And it was as close to heaven as I have ever been…
...plz leave comments on some events i may have missed. :P
newly added : (10.11 pm)
1. The biggest event of the entire year 2008 was probably ‘The great walkout from the CG paper.’ This is the highlight since, such an event has never been seen or heard of, in VJTI. An entire class of students refusing to write a mid-sem exam paper, plus, instead of walking out, writing ‘out of syllabus’ all over the answer sheets, was a feat in itself.
2. The next big event was ‘The Attack of the Wumpus’ which took place late in the year, with a Wumpus (a creature that dwells in dark lonely corners, and eats anyone who enters his room) The experience of trespassing Wumpus owned property, avoiding the ‘Stench’ and the ‘Breeze’ was one that the inhabitants of Computers Dept Batch of 2009 will never ever forget. *shudders*
3. ‘The Hike to the great mountains of ELR’ features next on the list. Everest?? Naah.. try climbing ELR matching speed to the professors to make sure u reach there on time. Even during the short time, we had to exercise this feat, it made us all lose about 10 pounds. Strangely, except PW. Who in fact seemed to gain weight.
4. And this is why the next thing on the list is –‘The PW diet’. No matter what, PW always got the most scrumptious, sinfully delicious stuff in his tiffin *tht he refused to share… or rather no one ever had the nerve to take…* which NO mom in the world could wake n make at 7 in the morning *it HAS to be 7, cuz he’s always there on time*. So it remains an unsolved mystery as to where the food came from… Hmmm… *thinking hard.*
5. Speaking of PW further, one classic history maker was ‘The day when PW borrowed Zai’s notes’ – shud I even say more? And if the fact that he took the notes from someone else wasn’t enough, he took them to COPY. *gasps. Wide eyed.*
6. Next is ‘The Loony ACN female’- One I dun know her name. Two, she had a screechy voice, and last but DEFINITELY not the least, she actually asked us to draw margins on the question paper. *ROFL…*
7. ‘Crazy DSP ^%$&#’ - the only thing she did right was referring to PW as – “Aei yaaar, toh mazya dokyat jato reeee….” *translated means “he goes in my head”… yeah I know… hehe..*
8. ‘The LR series’ – all events happening in and around the LR *its Ladies Room ppl!* feature here. All the times, we blatantly ignored the HUGE books in front of us, and indulged in some INTERESTING gossiping, the day when THE ORACLE came to the LR, the day(s) when THE SONG bugged all of us abt ICE, everyday when THE ATTITUDE and me teased the DEW DROP about her TAASH KA KING, the crazy DSP &^%$# coming n abusing us in some non-mentionable Marathi gaali’s, the times when we actually studied. *Ahh… Fond memories..*
9. Next big event of the year was ‘Who’s dat girl?’ – as I like to call the episodes in 2008, where THE ORACLE suddenly became the love interest of numerous interesting people – THE RAIN, THE SUN – wht not. Suddenly THE ORACLE was the weather girl. LOLZ…
10. The last memorable event – ‘The magical waters of far far away’ – there was something about that place, the icy clean waters of that river, the calm that overtook all emotions that swirled in the depths of my heart. Have u ever been to a place where suddenly all knots give away from u mind? Have u ever been to a place where u can actually listen.. to the silence? I have. And it was as close to heaven as I have ever been…
...plz leave comments on some events i may have missed. :P
newly added : (10.11 pm)
Oh how can I forget this one – ‘The Artists of Comp 3’ – This last sem, almost everyday we had absolutely nothing to do. So some of the great people of our Wizarding community, took to drawing things on the blackboard. These great people were – Anoop Sherlekar, Manoj Thakur, occasionally Ankit Kumar Mundra, n sometimes Me. Annop n me drew caricatures of superman wearing chaadi, ankit wrote a java program in hindi, n as for Manoj thakur let me present … *drum roll plz..* (I don’t have the original pics anywhere, I m sure some does.. whoever has it plz forward to me)
*this can happen ONLY in VJ Wizards... lolzzz*
Taare Zameen Par,
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