I found this tag on quite a few blogs around here. U hav to list 25 random things abt u. heres my list. Time to know me up close n personal... lolz.

1. I name everything I own. Ok most people knew tht abt me, bt for the ones who are my virtual frnds- Mr. Lynx - my sexy DELL laptop, Ball-E Boski - My basketball. *wht? i named it whn i had jus fallen in love wid Wall-E* lots more. ill be dedicating a new post for dis.
2. I really really want to learn how to drive, bt my mom steadfastly refuses, sayin ill probably crash the minute i touch the sterring wheel. :D
3. I hate the way people say “Oh Flip!” “Oh Freak!” “Oh Fish!”.. n whtever other words beginning with ‘F’. WHAT THE ‘FUCK’. Just say it the way it was intended to. F. U. C. K. *rolls eyes!*
4. I hated my 21st Bday, i had spent months imagining how nice it will be, and mostly i cried secretly all day. :( so --> NEVER again am I going to look forward to my Bday.
5. I love singing Avril - Losing Grip, I'm wid u, Evanescence - Going Under, Call me whn ur sober, Christina - Beautiful, Rihanna - Take a bow, shut up n drive. I think I do a good job. :D
6. My mom was about to name me Asha. *shudders* However common my name might be, i like it way better than Asha. *no offence to any asha's* n btw, MOST of the people at college are under the impression that my name actually is 'Annie'. well i like it neway. :)
7. Top places on my list to visit are - Egypt, Greece, Seychelles, Holland, Alps.
8. I love SALE's. I get the most beautiful and otherwise expensive stuff all on sale. I jus get lucky grls. Deal. With. It. *snickers*
9. Ever since 1st year B. Tech, I have rarely worn heels. as opposed to me wearing heels all my lyf. I jus cant do widout flats and sneakers now.
10. Contrary to wht most juniors in college think, I have never played basketball before my 2nd year in college. I guess I m just born talented. eh?
11. I really really admire how some of the blogs i have stumbled across are done. The writers are thoughtful, intelligent, deep and so... young. Wow. i wish i was tht great whn i was in my teens.
12. My first wall-poster was of BSB *glares.. Yeah, so wht?? i was 13 for cryin out loud*
13. I love all Disney animated movies. N i hav got them all on orginal DVD's. U name it, i got it. My fav – Finding Nemo, Lion King – 1, 1 ½, 2 , Wall- E.
14. Inspite of me going to be a full time B.Tech Computers this summer, if i ever got to choose a career, i will continue teaching kids all my life. I love my part time job so much.
15. I hav a tendency of falling in love wid fictional characters. The first one i fell in love wid was Peter Pan, and the latest was Edward Cullen. Ahhh... *dreams*
16. I wanted to learn the drums, ended up wid guitar instead. *very cool, either way*
17. I want to learn Bengali someday. I think it’s a sexy language.
18. I rem the names of all teachers that hav taught me, and they rem me too, as I found out whn I visited school last tym. Guess I was jus too impossible to ignore. Hehe. :P
19. I blog only whn I have exams around the corner, or whn I hav something imp to complete. Like right now, I hav to make some question papers for my kiddo class. *sigh!*
20. I love the rain, walking on the beach at night, white lilies, all my soft toys, Ro, catching the city lights from atop the reclamation bridge, writing, the smell of the fresh paper, Pentium processors *u won’t believe how cool they are!!*, listening to songs in the dead of the night, singing in the shower whn I m happy, sketching whn I m thoughtful and… verbally abusing whn I m mad. *it calms me down. Lolz. :D*
21. The oldest piece of clothing I have got is this quilt that I have long out grown, bt is special for me cz my mom made it for me. I plan to get my kids to sleep wid the quilt someday.
22. I snore in a very funny way whn I sleep. I swear its embarrassing for me, bt Ro finds tht very cute. Weirdo. :O
23. I cling to memories often. I still hav movie tickets, bus train tickets, roses pressed between heavy books, some piece of papers, bills, broken keychains, sea shells, chocolate wrappers etc etc… I dunno if dats a bad habit, bt I feel a little afraid tht I might lose these precious memories someday.
24. I still eat my cream biscuits d way kids do. First I lick the cream n then throw away the biscuit. Lolz. I m kiddo, wht do I say?!
25. I am the whole wide range of Yahoo Smiley’s in person. All of them. My fav expressions are the hair tearing and the ROFL smiley’s. I carry them off to the hilt! Lolz. :P :D
P.S. : I know its very lame that I m doing all these tags, bt I LOVE them, and I m suffering from writers block. I cant think of a single interesting thing to write about!!! :(