In a room full of people.. Long coats and pretty dresses,
And painted faces, bright with every color,
Between us is a dance floor, glinting and bare,
And the music beckons us on…
Our eyes meet across the room,
And I can’t pull my gaze away, you captivate me so..
It’s dangerous, this feeling, like a drug,
Recklessness and the thrill..
We walk towards each other, holding our gaze still,
Meet in the middle of the dance floor, the lights on us..
We don’t talk, hiding behind feathered masks,
No Words get in the way..
You take my hand and spin me across the floor,
Did you feel that tiny charge that shivered down my spine?
As you pulled me in your arms.. so close to you..
That mute sigh that escaped my lips...
Nothing so intimate, as the touch of your hand on my waist,
And my hand on your shoulder, and our fingers intertwined,
This rhythm we dance to, like it was made for us,
Like you were made for me...
Its sin.. The way your eyes strip me..
Down to my deepest core, leaving me vulnerable,
Your ivory mask is cold beneath my fingertips touch,
But d heat in your eyes sears me through and through…
We hide behind our masks, and our fine dresses,
And we play the little pretend game,
Of being perfect and beautiful, when we might be not,
No words said, just our eyes do the talk..
The music stops now, you hold my gaze a bit longer,
You bow. I curtsy. The dance is over.
Masquerade Lovers... that’s what we were,
We lived a love story in that one dance,
And then we left, two opposite directions, you & I,
Never to ever meet again...
P.S: I found the pic first, and it inspired me to write the poem... I told ya, I m weird!! :)
If only life was so simple eh?
Your coming into your own as a poet Annie...(glasses clinking)
R.E.S.P.E.C.T! \m/
Here's an idea! Dish out a poem to drown Quest! He'll never know what hit him! :)
P.S. Me first? \m/ Who d man?!
Wow... You captured a lifetime in this one poem babe!
Really beautiful!
I love Fairytale type plots!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.....I want my masquerade lover NOW!!!! :D
Real cool poem Annie !!! Super nice!! :)
hmm..wah wah...that certainly is somethin original..:P...U make real good use of ur craziness coz it gives u such crazy awesome ideas :P...
good stuff
niicee!! beautifully described...almost leaves the foolish heart yearning for more n yet it's struck by the realisation that it cant...
two thumbs up!
Thank you!!! \m/
Who da man? Phil da man!!! :)
P.S: I aint no poet...Just a Random Writer... :P
Thank You!!! :)
Thank you!!! Meeee tooo!!! :)
*sigh* *dreams*
I want MY masquerade lover tooo!!! NOW!!!
Bt no such luck!!!
U know this makes me wish, we had proms here in India.. na? hw cool wud tht be!!! :) :)
Annie. :)
Thanksss!!!! :) :) Yeah i mcrazy allryt!!! I almost added d crazy bit abt this poem in PS, thn thought better of it.. heehehe :P :D
P.S: A lil early to comment, u cud hav waited another year.. :D :P
Thanks!!! Coming from a writer like u, its very high praise. :) :)
Thanks again! :)
I did consider it..but was bored so thought i d comment :D....:D
wow... that sent a shiver down my spine..felt every moment of it...!!!!
W.O.W.! with a capital W! u've captured the passions that comprise of a first n last meet among strangers so well! really makes me wanna drown in that world of fantasy too!
absolutely amazing this 1! kudos!
btw i luvvvvv ur background!
yeah ryt!!!
U commented cz u were already on PAPER THIN ICE... N didnt want to face my wrath(?) again!! :P
Thanksss!!! :) :)
Heyyy!!! Thankss!!! :) :)
I love my bckgrnd too.. :P :D
ahaan :)
you danced Rumba it seems :P
Lovely poem..and i still hate sms lingo :D,..you kill the poem with it..its cruel
Hey thanks!! but KAHA??? I didnt use sms lingo.. u knw i specifically switched from my preferred notepad to error-checking MS Word for tht purpose!!! kaha hai sms lingo??!!! :( :(
"But d heat in your eyes sears me through and through…
ooohhh!!! :P :D
chalo one galti is maaf i hope.. next time ill be more carefull.. :) :) :)
D thing is tht i write as d words come to me, if i dont write quickly , words will escape me... i think abt a LOT... dats why thrs always overflow of words... :P :D
neway, thnks for pointin out d flaws. :) :)
Poems after poems....what happened? The poetic bug bit you or did you feast on that bug? :D
I hate dance too, it makes me sleep which I hate spending my time in :D
PS: Dphat: What an Idea sirjee :P (idea music in the background) :D
Dishing out a poem to drown me? How did the hitting part come in when I am supposed to drown? ;)
nicely put....
I loved ur word flow... :)
Yes, I had to make it an even three, now no more poems for a week. :P :D
N Shoooo!!!! NO jhagda on my comments, shoutbox hai na ??!!! go fight thr!!! go go go noww!!! :P
Thank you! :)
hahaha :) yea yea
That wasssss awesssommme :D
It was so very intriguing.. :P
and i write hoards of poems getiing inspired by pictures.. :D :P
N wow, i m nt d only one.. hehehe... :) :)
that was some poem ice maiden....
Really...one hopeless romantic you are, it seems! ;)
@Destiny's Child
Oh yes I am one!!! :P Even after heartaches and heartbreaks.. true blue romantic. :)
lovely one...
pretty original, have read a lotta prose in the same circumstances but guess the poem was new...
"You take my hand and spin me across the floor,
Did you feel that tiny charge that shivered down my spine?
As you pulled me in your arms.. so close to you..
That mute sigh that escaped my lips...
Nothing so intimate, as the touch of your hand on my waist,
And my hand on your shoulder, and our fingers intertwined,
This rhythm we dance to, like it was made for us,
Like you were made for me...
Its sin.. The way your eyes strip me..
Down to my deepest core, leaving me vulnerable,
Your ivory mask is cold beneath my fingertips touch,
But d heat in your eyes sears me through and through…"
Hey! Thank you so much.. :)
Hiii!!! seeing u after long.. :)
Thank youuu.. :) :)
masquerade lovers. thats was intricately carved to say a story no one like to say othwise. damn u r gud. :P
Thank you! :)
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