* Zai sleeping thru a gossiping session and waking up next day and saying "Aree..I was half asleep. I heard everythng. I didnt say anything bcz i was too tired"
* Gul saying "Raat ko insects soye hongena" when asked to shut the balcony door cz insects will come in :P
* Annie and Mona throwing undies on Zai even before the drinking started, sort of like preliminary exercise to getting drunk silly.
* Varu and Shilpa worrying about whether the drinking will make them lose their precious singer voices :P
* Thresholds of getting drunk : Zai is drunk if she is throwing down jokers while playing rummy, Mona is drunk if she is jumping up n down on d bed to "Lari chooti", Varu is drunk if she is yelling hysterically "thers smthng in my hairrrr", Shilpa is drunk if she is demanding more shots in high potched voice... and Annie the great is drunk is she is pointing at everyone present in the room n screeching "YOU ARE DRUNKKKKKK!!!!! I M NOTTTTT!!!!"
* Anoop and Karthik dressing up in long hair caps and bracelets and sling bags and getting down at each station on the return journey and fooling local people. Special mention to us all who acted (very well acting I may add) as enthusiatic fans scrambling for autographs.
* Anoop trying to get an ostrich sandwich from the pantry wala on Swaraj Express in thick Australian accent and trying to pass off as African.
* Anoop starting with "Gaur se dekhiye is aadmi ko..." at random times of the day / night at every random place possible. India TV has serious competition :)
* Ron eating 2kgs of chicken everyday and surviving thru it.
* Ankit not eating anything and saying "kya?" to everything asked to him. Complete with a glazed tired expression bcz of running to the loo every 10 seconds :P ROFL LMAO!!!!
* Shilpas voice going on the 1st day of the trip and she sounding exactly like Paulami from Roadies, and everyone joking about it thinking she is pretending and pissing her off!!! :P
* Annie stealing water from the extremely cute neighbour in the train in the dead of the night bcz there was none around and then striking up a conversation bcz of that (evil laugh... wht?? he was incredibly HOT!!! :P)
* The end of one love story and The beginning of another ..... (Keep guessing!!! :) )... oh n one love story getting a lil bit too enthusiatic!!! hehehehehe!!! (get a room guys!!)
* One "miss u" message that made my day and made me grin foolishly all thru the remainder of the trip... :)
* The skirmish between India and Taliban on the Nainital Lake.. LOLZ!!! Anoop Ron trying to steal the Green Duckie away from us White and Orange one... :)
* Ashwin n Rahul in a PINK duck, duly nicknamed "Gayduck" by us CC's and then them pretending to be pirates and shooting at us using imaginary guns.
* Random people in other Duckies / Dragons / Rowboats on the Lake taking our pics, cz we are simply SOOOO cool!!! We probably looked like movie stars to them.. hehehe.. :)
* Dumb Charades with Ankit acting... And while on the same topic, the IMPOSSIBLE home productions that were given starting from "
Bhaagte Huye Bhoot Ki Udti Hui Lungi" (true bhojpuri movie) to "
Sayed Amir ko supersonic sound ke mitocondriya se daar lagta hai" :O to "
Aa Takli Teri Maang Bharu Fluroscent Color se taki main tujhe andhere mein dekh saku" :O :O :O
* Role playing by Anoop, Nik, Rahul, Me in our Kausani stay.. (Role playing is putting the CRAPPIEST tv channel and muting it and people try to say dialogues... its TOO much fun!!!)
* Jyot on the terrace of Ranikhet Hotel, describing Delhi slang to us, and accidently saying "B*** da L****" !!! Jyot!!! Gaali!!! WOW!!! LMAOOO
* Pralay saying B******* 187630 times on the entire trip, by the end of which the accent turned from Bhojpuri to Maharashtrian!!! :P
* Nana (bus driver whose name is undefined and he is known as thus, cz of uncanny resembelance to Nana Patekar) driving like a mad man enroute to Nainital Hotel when he missed a turn, prompting us all to say Hanuman Chalisa and beginning with Ganpati Aarti, all the while hanging on for our dear lives :P
* Anoop forcing his way onto the CC's (Comps Chics) Bandwagon and declaring himself Hot and CH (Comps Hunk)!!!
So many moments.. I m sure I have missed many.. BUt i have started this now.. People add as many as u can think of and leave me the links... :)
Last Train Ride with everyone.. Getting off at the station.. gathering around in a circle. laden with luggage and yet, noone wants to move towards the exit.. everyone stands there smiling at each other, till I cant stop my tears anymore. I say in a voice that breaks "Mujhe Ghar Nai Jaana...." and the floodgates open. Cry and Cry ... cry more than Farewell day, cz this is it.. truly the end.. The end of a magnificient 4 years of college life.. Suddenly everyone around me is crying too.. We hug and sing 'College Days'... tell loved ones how much they mean to me.. I cry extra hard hugging some people who mean a lot to me.. always will...
And then something makes me smile.. broadly.. in true Wizards style... the true Wizards spirit... someone says loudly "Areee yaar!!! kya ro rahe ho!!! Tuesday ko aana hai na college!!! yeh trip ke Pics submission ke liye... chalo chalo!!! Quad mein aajana 9 baje!!!" Everyone laughs and leaves ... walking slowly out of the station.. with a smile on the face..

"VJ Wizards" gave me the best time of my life, and I will forever be proud to belong to the BEST class that ever rocked VJTI.. May the Wizards Magic last forever!!! :)