Mar 27, 2008

Do It Anyway...

"Do It Anyway"
…People are often unreasonable, illogical, self-centered…
forgive them anyway.

…if you are kind to people, they may accuse of ulterior motives…
be kind anyway.

… if you are successful, you will win some false friends & some true enemies…
Succeed anyway.

…if you are honest & frank people may cheat you…
Be honest & frank anyway.

…what you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight…
Build anyway.

…if you are good to people today…they may forget tomorrow…
Be good to people anyway.

…you give the world your best, it may never be enough…
Give the world your best anyway.

…so you see… in the final analysis…
...It was between you & God…

It was never between you & them anyway


Raj said...

if you dream too high, you may fall and break yourself.
dream anyway.

if you love too easily, you may break your heart.
love anyway.

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