Mar 31, 2008


*one of my favorite poems... read it in my school magazine a long long time ago..*

Life, thy name is wait
At each stage, at each crossroad
At each moment, wait…

Wait, wait and just wait,
As an infant – hungry
I had to wait to be fed
Wet – I had to wait to be changed
I didn’t speak and walk early…
Wait, said mother, she’ll do it soon enough,

As a child I wanted to be at the teens
Wait until you grow up, was the answer…

Got married to a stranger
It was a long wait till he became a dear
We waited for our first kid…
We waited for his first smile , we waited for his first word…
And waited for his first step into the world…

We waited for him to grow up
And then we waited to get him married…

We then waited for our first grand child
Grand parents, now, we waited for
Retirement & mellowing old age
And now we are old and wise
Mellow & content, we still wait…

Wait for that most peaceful of all stages – Death…
Wait…eternal wait… is the essence of life…

Life is just a wait…


Anwesa said...

Its a beautiful verse... unbelievably mature for a school-girl.

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