Its my BLOG"S BIRTHDAY!!!! Yayyyyy!!!! My blog has turned a year old today.. n i feel amazing for having kept it thriving for so long!!! kudos to me!! :)
Happy bday to you...
Happy Bday to uuu...
Happy Bday dear Blog..
Happy Bday to youuu....
*applause please...*
n along wid all this, this also happens to be my 50th post. wowie wow. i m grinning lik a fool.. *sings to herself*
Thanks to everyone who kept Blogsville from turning into a depressing place for me, (lik orkut has lately!!), thanks to everyone who connected wid the things i write, widout even knowin the person who wrote them.. thanks a lot YOU!! for coming here, n making me do something i wudnt hav followed so passionately otherwise... THANKS!!
me the first...and happy b'day blog - i pity u though to be under Alisha :P
Hey happy budday bloggie ;)
Keep writin Annie!
its ur bday..its ur bday..happy bday bloggie...!! so u dont have a name for ur blog??!! now thats a first!!..;-)..
glad u kept at it deary...its fun havin u around...every funny, emotional, sarcastic, from the heart waala post !!
so herz to lots more bdays..cheers cindy ;-)
Happy Bday Blog... Happy Bday Blog... Happy Bday dear Blog... Happy Bday dear Blog...
Baar bar din yeh aaye, baar baar din yeh chaaye, tum jiyo hazaaron saal yeh meri hai aarzoo :D
Happy Budday to you.. Aha Aha :P:P
Looking for many more 50 posts on your Blog in the years to come!
Thanks, you!
Just keep finding time for a pencil and paint somehow...! It'll make you happier than any degree ever would!
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go shawty
It's your birthday
We gon' party like it's yo birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday!!
LOL..Hurray!!!..happy budday bloggie!... mwah mwah mwah!!!!
luv ya annie!... mwah mwah mwah!!!! Keep writing!!..and thanks for inspiring me to blog!.. :D
YAY!!! thank u all sooooon much!!! :) :P :D
...yo yo yo... go party its ur bday!!... lolz.
Hey Happy Birthday dear Blog...i wish u have these birthdays for years to come....after all u write so well that i want this blog to exist perpetually
Love you
cool ...1 year
muvarak ho "blogji"and it's owner :)
....i am also looking forward to celebrate 1st b'day of my blog.this oct...long time to go... :)
HAPPY BDAY BLOG!>:D< muaaahhhhh!!
shouldnt b'day posts be like "how i started my blog" "thankyou ,you,you,you, and you"???
i am too lazy to type out the word verification!!:P and dats a threat!
Annie happy first budday to your blog and on the half century
my blog is one for more than 3 years and still not reached 50 hehe~
Anyway remove the word verification, else no more comments grrrr :P
@damsel n seno..
yes ladies.. lolz. no worries now. plz comment freely from now on.. :P :D
happpppy budddddaaaaaaaaaay blog! PARTY!!
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