Its been a while since i saw HIMYM, (Zai.. u hav 2gimme the latest eps. i m still stuck on 'Little Minnesota'.. ) I went to Intervention.. thts my fav, its so funny!!! n then watched a few others, Slutty Pumpkin, Mary the Paralegal, n then Chain of Screaming ..
I got settled with some coke, n sat to watch YDMWTZ... umm (zohan). Yuck yuck yuck!!! Zaaaiiiii hw cud u giv me this...ewww.. I dun want to see Adam Sandler's ass... for dat matter nethng!! ew! bt neway, i watched the movie.. umm.. i m nt really a dirty funny movie person, save Scary Movie, bt neway, wht d heck.. it was 2 hrs of crazy crazy crazy storyline.. (i dun recommend d movie to ANYONE!!!)
Thn, since I hav always been a die hard romantic, I hav lik an impossible collection of romantic movies, I decided to catch up some old movies I havent seen in a while... got started wid 'Runaway Bride'.. always been a Julia Roberts fan.. its one of my fav fav movies.. Love the way she gives him multicolor hairdo.. hahah...

Then I started wid 'While You Were Sleeping'.. which is one movie i havent seen in years.. Infact, if i rem correctly, I havent seen it since I was in school. Rem, tht Sandra Bullock movie.. yea thts the one.. 'I m in lov wid ur son.. not this one, the other one.. :)' I had a Awww time watching the christmas time romantic.. Chicago with the twinkling lights.. n d cold..

I saw a lot of me in both Lucy and Maggie. Spunky & chatty like Maggie and kiddish & lonely lik Lucy. From where I m seeing life right now, I see myself lik Lucy, wid a cat for a best friend, kicking up a storm wid friends, bt so alone on d inside & then someone jus lik Jack or Ike, will come and discover all that I hav kept hidden from the world. Who will walk me home, in d snow like Jack, asking me silly questions about where i want to go for a holiday. & someone like Ike, who will see beyond the laughter and the twinkles. Someone who wont fret about me being a boyish gal.. lolz. & someone who would play cards wid me in his PJ's and would actually like to knw hw i like my eggs. (u wun get any of these wishes if u havent seen the movies yet!!).. D one who'll ride off into the sunset wid me on a horse.. :) *awww...*
Ahh!! wht can i say.. hopeless romantic that i m!! :)
P.S: 'Life doesnt always go d way u plan it.. '
P.P.S : Shud hav added these two couple on Luv to luv em wala post!! :P
nice staurday :D sumtyms i crave for the luxury u talked about =D
lolz.. see wht i mean?! inspite of jus tellin myself tht peinces dun exist in real lyf.. here i m dreaming of a prince-like guy to come into ma lyf!!! hahaha...
I dunno if itsa co-incidence or jsta way ppl spend their saturdays bt i jst saw 3 episodes of HIMYM,runaway bride and while u wr sleeping all on friday!
whoa!! thts smin :)
n no..i din c YDMWTZ.Goin by yo reviews..thankgod i dint ;)
wow sari!!! thts some coincidence.. lolz.. thank ur stars u didnt see zohan!! :) :P :D
Most welcome for all the movies, tv shows, etc. etc. I am very proud of my collection.
And yea, I have ALL the episodes of HIMYM.
My favs are Slap bet, slapsgiving, Mary the paralegal, naked guy, and of course SWARLEY [:)]
Zohan was an awesome movie...c'mon! Neosporin for liquid nitrogen! It was Borat minus the disgusting stuff... which makes it perfect.
oh YESSS!!! i forgot Swarley n slep bet, slapsgivin.. its AWESOME!!! :) :P :D
@ zai..
i m NOT an adam sandler fan.. n i DONOT enjoy watching his rear or him catching stuff in his rear. :| ;)
oh man...we just have too much in common :P. i exactly know wat ur talking abt...n i luv the movies u named. i'm a sucker for romantic comedies too :). n i luv HIMYM...i think ur still watching season 1 n 2...we're on season 4 here :)...i luv barney! if u have high speed, unlimited internet...check'll get all the latest episodes
@misty rhythm...
noo.. hav all d eps in season 4 too.. havent got them from ma frnd yet!! i m still on 'Little Minnesota' :) Blogger 5!! :)
i am not a big fan of Sandler either, but i found that movie hillarious.
BTW I want Runaway Bride. Can you send me your menu card? ;)
lolz zai... i will hav to actually make one first.. i will send u one as soon as i make it. hehe. no worries, most of d movies r d ones u already hav.. :)
n i dun hav nice japanese frnds sending me 320GB HDD to keep seasons
Not exactly a LEGEN--wait for it..keep waiting..DARY weekend eh??...but hey u did the next best thing...HIMYM!!...Barney personal favs are Swarley, Mary the Paralegal & the Rain Dance waala. Runaway Bride i fine but my all time fav Julia Roberts movie will always be Notting Hill. Big time Hugh Grant fan u see..
btw...instead of lazing around in front of the TV all the time, you shouldve just come online!! i was bored!! ;-)
which i did!!! right after i finished i came online...
me likes Notting Hill too.. I dun really LIKE hugh grant... he is ok. i dun really like british accents.. hehehe
Swarley is too too hilarious... hehehe :P :) :D
seeya next time online..
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