Standing all alone… in the middle of nowhere…
No one who cares… breathing fake air…
She feels so distant, ripped from existence…
Got so transparent… lost all substance…
Her shattered heart pounds against her breast…
The pieces cutting holes in her chest…
Slowly she fades… as quickly she drowns…
In the crimson tears that run down her arm…
She wants to scream. She wants to shout…
A prisoner in her skin… wants to let it all out…
But she doesn’t make a sound… keeps it all inside…
Wants to breakaway… but instead she hides…
Alone in her room… quietly sobbing in her shell..
This is her fucked up life… her own private hell…
She’s lost everything that she’s ever had,
Crimson tears seep through her skin because it hurts so bad…
She’ll tilting on the edge, about to fall off…
Her soul so lacerated but mind is so soft…
Is that the smell of red again as it starts to run?
She stares at the crimson tears and wonders…
...What has she done?...
P.S: Don't freak out!!! Wrote this a LONG time back. Around a year back. Just thought of putting it up here.
P.S.S: I m NOT a cutter. Not anymore. Definitely don't encourage it. For all those who lead a secret life as this one, go seek help soon. Because you may not realize it right this moment, but life is way too beautiful. :)
Added Later:
Not connected to the post... But something that I believe in.... have faith! everything works out in the end! :)When you come to the edge of the light that you know,
and you are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things will happen--
there will be something to land on…
or you will learn how to fly.
and you are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things will happen--
there will be something to land on…
or you will learn how to fly.
aniie, grl, thts too intense a foto!!
luvd the poem! just out of curiosity : how did ya feel when you flipped those pages today? did those memories bring a smile to you?
If one or two changes their mind reading this intense emotions, u will be the most credited one for that! Good Job!!
Crimson tears.
reminds me of a picture i have once clicked :) i named it 'bloody tears' bloody as in, of blood.
nice poem that follows the name, some bits are really good:
1) Slowly she fades… as quickly she drowns
2) prisoner in her skin!
She’ll tilting on the edge, about to fall off
although this line could be changed a little, 'Crimson tears seep thru her skin cuz it hurts so bad'
but then, its your poem, and the above is merely an opinion :)
thank u!! d pic is jus sumthng i found online.. n thanks for likin d poem!
Memories.. ahh.. interesting question... u knw hw sometimes some bring smiles, some bring frown, n some jus bring a faraway expresion..nt happy nt sad..well, d poem was lik dat.. :)
Thanks so much for liking this.. !! :)
appreciate ur words a lot! Thaks for liking those lines,.. abt the "crimson tears seep thru her skin.." wel.. lik everythng else i write, it jus came to me.. :)
kepp visiting! thanks again!
whoa...totally different from ur "oye bubbly, oye oye bubbly " self...!!..glad ki its an old poem..wouldnt want to be around u if it were anything recent..hehe...
but its really nice..really well written...like i said...loved the poem but not the message it sends.. ;-)..
wudnt be around??!!! :O a liol quick to judge ppl arent we?! :P
interesting. i read the poem again :) every time i read it, i like it more. seems like it has lot of stories to tell!! u take care .
nice poem......... hope it REMAINS the past....... :)
thanks!! it DOES hav a lot of stories to tell.. bt all in d past now. :) no worries..
Thanks for likin it! N yes it WILL remain d past. :)
that was painful...i'm glad you're past that part of your life. god bless!
ur last few lines reminded me of something i'd written some years back!! here's an excerpt...
dear dear diary
when you're at the brink and can't decide,
sometimes you're scared of being hurt
sometimes you discover wings and glide.
how are you to see the easy way out
if it's always hidden in the difficult one,
life is just a series of risks and chances,
mysteries and puzzles waiting to be undone.
tht was amazing.. beautiful!!
yeah i m well over this side of me.. thts y i decide do get d tattoo..
thanks for sharing ur thoughts!!
You really do have a penchant for writing. I like the metaphors you've used very effectively. Good job.
PS : just my observation, short forms tend to take the zing out of the emotions being conveyed. Meaning absolutely no offense, poetry ke liye don't use short forms na. Choti is request from an avid fan.
PPS : following :)
PPPS : if you're free, you should check out
It's the poetry blog of a medical student. I was impressed by the name (she lives in a hostel) and her work is quite good.
Hey PS
Thank you so much for visiting!! Thanks for liking the poem too..
I know using sms lingo kills the poem, as another reader has been consistently tellin me, n im trying to change the habit. I write as the words come and hence I tend to hurry. :P
P.S: Thank you! :)
P.P.S: going there now! :)
Thank you, your work is awesome. Only arrived at your blog by chance. Keep up the good work.
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